
You can find below the slides of the lectures, the working group presentations, as well as a link to the pictures that have been taken during the school.

Globular Clusters (C. Charbonnel)

Globular Clusters - Part 1

Globular Clusters - Part 2

Globular Clusters - Part 3


Young Massive Clusters (N. Bastian)

Young Massive Clusters - Part 1

Young Massive Clusters - Part 2

Young Massive Clusters - Part 3


Dynamical Evolution of Stellar Systems (H. Baumgardt)

Dynamical Evolution - Part 1 

Dynamical Evolution - Part 2

Dynamical Evolution - Part 3


Open Clusters and Associations in the Gaia era (E. Moraux)

 Open Clusters and Associations


Stellar clusters as an age scale for stellar physics (D. Barrado)

Age Scale


Working Groups

 Globular Cluster project

Dynamical Evolution project

Open Cluster project



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login: ees2015cluster "at"

passwd: banyuls2015






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